The Simulator CHARLIE corresponds to the appearance of an infant up to one year old. It allows all procedures for NPR® training (Neonatal Resuscitation Program®), like realistic chest compressions, bag-valve-mask ventilation, intubation, and defibrillation, as well as intraosseous and intravenous access and the placement of chest tube and gastrointestinal tube.


  • checkOral ET tube insertion
  • checkGastrointestinal tube
  • checkChest tube
  • check2 replaceable airways (standard, advanced)
  • checkECG simulation: 17 child and 17 adult rhythms
  • check4-lead ECG
  • checkDefibrillation up to 360 Joule
  • checkI.V. access, right hand and right foot. I.O. access, left leg.
  • checkPICC site in left arm
  • checkPatent umbilicus with venous and arterial access
  • checkUrinary catheterization with interchangeable genitalia

General information

The simulator allows oral intubation with an ET tube of a size up to 3.5 mm. Furthermore, jaw-thrust and Sellick manoeuvre (cricoid pressure) can be trained. The left nostril accepts an NG tube (8 FR) for training of tube placement.

Manual pulse

The simulator offers also 7 palpable manual pulse points, on left/right femoral, left/right brachial, left/right carotid and on the umbilical stump.

ECG simulation and defibrillation

With the Interactive ECG Simulator, 17 child and 17 adult heart rhythms can be simulated, and the manikin can be defibrillated up to 360 Joule. The manikin can be purchased without the Interactive ECG Simulator.

Birth defects

The scope of delivery includes also two different mountable birth defects: An omphalocele and a neural tube defect (myelomeningocele).

Spare parts

There are no spare parts or accessories for this product.



file_download Training Manikins Catalogue
(15.38 MB - pdf)


file_download Simulator CHARLIE NRP® ECG Datasheet
(305.31 KB - pdf)
