Deluxe Child CRiSis™ Manikin

The Deluxe Child CRiSis Manikin is a manikin for PALS-training and features a realistic CPR training, airway management, defibrillation, blood pressure measurement and the training of i.v., i.o. and femoral access.

The Manikin Child CRiSis simulates a 5-year-old child for CPR and airway management training, featuring a realistic anatomy with palpable and visual landmarks. The head, neck and jaw are fully articulated, allowing the jaw thrust maneuver.


  • checkPALS training manikin
  • checkTraining of CPR and airway management
  • checkECG simulation, defibrillation and pacing
  • checkBlood pressure arm
  • checkI.V. access, arm
  • checkI.O. access and femoral access, leg
  • checkFully articulated head, neck and jaw
  • checkOral, nasal and digital intubation
  • checkSeparate left/right lungs for auscultation
  • checkSuctioning capabilities
  • checkCarotid and femoral arterial pulse (manual)

General information

Airway management

The realistic airway allows the training of ET, EOA (esophageal obturator airway), EGTA (esophageal gastric tube airway) tubes laryngeal masks, Combitube® and King Systems. It also features a stomach bladder for an esophageal intubation and has separate left and right lungs for auscultation. In addition, oral, nasal and digital intubation as well as suction techniques can be trained.

Injectable Training Arm

The Injectable Training Arm features realistic skin and veins, so the skin actually rolls as you palpate the vein, and the characteristic “pop” can be felt when the needle penetrates the vein. With a proper insertion, a realistic flashback occurs. Antecubital and dorsal access is possible. For intramuscular injections a bony landmark at the shoulder can be palpated to identify muscle tissue.

Blood Pressure Arm

The Blood Pressure Arm offers systolic/diastolic levels, heart rate and Korotkoff sounds with an auscultatory gap and a palpable radial pulse.

Intraosseous Infusion/Femoral Access Leg

This i.o. leg features palpable landmarks including the patella, tibia and tibial tuberosity, and a palpable arterial pulse. The pressurized system allows aspiration of fluid and enables a realistic flashback. A 15-gauge intraosseous infusion needle is included.

ECG simulation, defibrillation, and pacing

With the Interactive ECG Simulator 17 adult and 17 pediatric heart rhythms can be recreated, as well as simulated pacing or cardioversion. The defibrillation chest allows you to safely practice defibrillation and is compatible with all standard brands and types of defibrillators, monitors or patient simulators. An internal load box will absorb the energy of manual, automatic or semi-automatic defibrillators.

Spare parts

We offer 3 Spare parts for this product



file_download Training Manikins Catalogue
(15.38 MB - pdf)


file_download Deluxe Child CRiSis™ Manikin Datasheet
(105.97 KB - pdf)
