Advanced Child Airway Management Trainer with Stand

The Advanced Child Airway Management Trainer with Stand enables the same features as the Child Airway Management Trainer (LF03610U) and offers in addition tongue edema and laryngospasm. 


  • checkAs Child Airway Management Trainer
  • checkLaryngospasm and tongue edema
  • checkWith training stand to mount head
  • checkAdvanced airway management training
  • checkJaw-thrust maneuver
  • checkSuctioning techniques
  • checkCarotid pulse, manual
  • checkWith lungs and stomach

General information

The trainer has a lifelike and correct anatomy and enables lung bags and a stomach bladder. All common airway management devices can be inserted. For a safe stand during training the head is mounted on the training stand.

Spare parts

There are no spare parts or accessories for this product.



file_download Training Manikins Catalogue
(15.38 MB - pdf)

