Investor Relations Policy

Investor Relations activities are prioritised to ensure that up-to-date information about Ambus financial and strategic performance as well as opportunities and risks are available to investors and shareholders at any time.


The objective of the investor relations activities is to:

  • communicate with shareholders and investors to ensure their knowledge of Ambu is up to date,
  • ensure a fair pricing of the Ambu share,
  • facilitate and increase the liquidity of the Ambu share,
  • ensure that Ambu is perceived as a reliable, accessible and professional company by the capital markets.


The Investor Relations Policy is to:

  • ensure a close dialogue with investors, besides company announcements, by:
    • announcing information on Ambu’s home page,
    • conducting investor presentations and investor meetings,
    • using the press as information channel,
    • participating in roadshows in Denmark, Europe and the US,
  • keep a high and consistent information level and a wide communication,
  • achieve a proper analysis coverage of the Ambu share.

Silent Period

Ambu does not comment on subjects of financial and price sensitive nature during a period of four weeks up to the release of financial reports (the silent period).
